Get a good night’s rest

Have you been going to bed earlier for a good night of rest? Studies have shown people who sleep better and longer tend to lose weight.

Here are a few ideas that will help your sleep so you can be more productive, emotionally balanced and more energetic throughout the day.

 Sticks to a schedule: go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Yes, even on weekends.
Pay attention to what you eat and drink: don’t go to bed hungry or stuffed, your discomfort can keep you up.

Create a bedtime ritual: a warm bath, reading a book, soft music, lights dimmed, meditation

Get comfortable: create a room that is comfortable for you. Cool, dark, quiet, de-cluttered, use a noise machine, etc.

Get physical: exercise can promote better sleep-just don’t do it too close to bedtime.

Manage stress: laugh, write down what’s on your mind, make a gratitude list and get organized



Sleep peacefully

Sleep peacefully